Can you go to an escape room alone? Solo Escapes!
Calvin KammerShare
Escape rooms are traditionally group activities, designed to challenge a team of players to solve puzzles and complete tasks. However, that doesn't mean you can't experience the thrill of an escape room alone. Solo escapes offer a completely different, nuanced gameplay that challenges your individual skills and problem-solving abilities.
Want to Try Again? Go Solo!
Already conquered a room? Replaying it solo allows you to tackle the puzzles from an entirely different angle. You just might find a new way to beat your best time or uncover clues you missed before. Think of it as your own personal re-run, but with added difficulty!
Why Go Solo?
Whether you're going solo because your friends bailed last minute, you're on a quest to complete as many rooms as you can, or you're just looking for a unique adventure, playing alone can offer a brand-new perspective. Always remember to check with the escape room business beforehand to see if they offer solo play options. While most locations list a two-player minimum, it's often negotiable.
The Stranger Route
Today, the majority of escape rooms are private bookings. However, you might stumble upon escape rooms in metropolitan areas requiring a minimum of 12 players. In these instances, you could end up joining a team of strangers, adding an unpredictable element to your game. Reach out to the venue, and you might be surprised at the opportunities that open up.
Pros and Cons of Solo Escapes
- Experience games you might not have tried with a group.
- Develop a unique, individual approach to escape room challenges.
- Step out of your comfort zone and face a new level of difficulty.
- Replay your favorite rooms, upping the challenge ante.
- No teammates to brainstorm with.
- Limited eyes to spot clues and details.
- You might need to ask for extra hints
So, are you ready to tackle an escape room solo?